

字词 《形而上学》




[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 38.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:107.
[3] Metaphysics (Aristotle). via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysics_(Aristotle)






1. 在亚里士多德的心理学中有这样的话:“德谟克利特认为灵魂和理性是同一个东西,因为在他看来,现象是真实的东西。”与此相反,亚里士多德在《形而上学》中却说:“德谟克利特断言,或者没有东西是真实的,或者真实的东西对我们是隐蔽的。”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷上册)》,1960:21

1. Indeed, in Aristotle’s Psychology it is stated: “Democritus posits soul and mind [Verstand] as one and the same, since the phenomenon is the true thing.” But in his Metaphysics he writes: “Democritus asserts that nothing is true or it is concealed from us.” -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 38.

2. 亚里士多德《形而上学》第1卷第4章:“留基伯和他的同事德谟克利特说,充实和虚空都是元素,并称其中一个为存在,另一个为非存在,也就是说,称充实和坚实为存在,称虚空和稀薄为非存在。因此,他们还说,存在决不比非存在更多地存在着,因为虚空也像物体一样存在着。”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷上册)》,1960:78

2. Aristotle, Metaphysics, I, 4 [985b, 4-9]. Leucippus and his associate Democritus say that the full and the empty are the elements, calling the one being and the other non-being—the full and solid being being, the empty non-being (whence they say being no more is than non-being, because the solid no more is than the empty). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 87.

3. 亚里士多德《形而上学》第7(8)卷第2章:“看来德谟克利特认为,[原子]有三种差别。因为作为基础的物体按质料来说是同样的东西,但是物体或者因外形不同而有形状的差别,或者因转向不同而有位置的差别,或者因相互接触不同而有次序的差别。” ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷上册)》,1960:85

3. Aristotle, Metaphysics, VIII, 2 [1042 b, 11-14]. Democritus seems to think there are three kinds of difference between things [atoms]; the underlying body, the matter, is one and the same, but they differ either in rhythm, i.e. shape, or in turning, i.e. position, or in inter-contact, i.e. order. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 92.


例句 1:
《形而上学》是以“是”(希腊文ousia / to on,或译为“存在”)为核心,也可以说是围绕“本体”的哲学理论。在《形而上学》中,亚里士多德反复说,“‘是者’以多种方式被言说”,不过基本涵义的“是者”是“实体”,次要涵义的“是者”是实体之外的各个“范畴”(例如性质、数量和关系,等等)。他认为古老的问题“‘是者’是什么?”其实相当于追问“‘实体’是什么?”。——《〈形而上学〉中关于“是”的研究》,内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文,2014
The Metaphysics is the philosophy theory at the core of being (ousia or to on in Greek, or translated as essence), which can also be said that based on the noumenon. In the Metaphysics, Aristotle has repeatedly made reference to that being has been replaced in many ways, but the basic meaning of being is the entity, whose secondary meaning is kinds of category apart from the entity(such as the nature, number and the relationship, etc.). He also believes that the old question that what is being is equivalent of the asking that what is entity.

例句 2:
The present report comes from the translation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics from its English version into Chinese. To be specific, the author deals with the first volume of the book, i.e. the “the theory of explanation” which consists of ten chapters altogether.

例句 3:





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