

字词 客观


objective (adj.); objectivity


[1] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 25.
[2] Objectivity (philosophy). via:






1. 他认为,“农业是有固定性的”,它是由固定的土地、固定的住所和必然固定化的生活支撑着的。而只有工业在资产阶级社会的产业中才第一次创造了一种可能性,即从经济上打破一切固定性的自由。这是因为,在这个“人做了一切”的制造业中,人也才获得了生产中的一种自由空间,而且它居于个人自由活动之上,这就自然形成了市民社会所特有的客观经济规律。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:52

1. He asserts that “Agriculture, even in its rudest and lowest state, supposes some sort of fixed habitation; it is supported by fixed land, fixed dwellings, and a necessarily fixed life. For the first time in the production carried out by bourgeois society, industry created the potential and freedom of destroying all fixed things in economics. This is because only in this manufacturing industry where “all is made by man” do people obtain a kind of free space in production. This free space exists above man’s free activity, naturally forms the objective economic laws that characterize civil society. -Quoted from: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 25.

2. 但是他既没有正统派的毅力,又缺乏客观地理解神学的能力,他à la(正如)克鲁马赫尔一样,是通过多情善感的空谈同基督教勾搭上的,他把基督描绘成“朋友和老师”,企图抛弃基督教在形式上的一切“丑陋的东西”,并且用好听的空话来偷换它的内容。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:278

2. But as he lacks both the energy of the orthodox and the understanding that would enable him to see theology objectively, he comes to terms with Christianity on the level of lyrical and declamatory sentimentality à la Krummacher. He presents Christ as a “friend and leader”, he seeks to do away with “ugliness” in the formal aspects of Christianity, and for the content he substitutes a hollow phraseology. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 243.

3. 该书的基本概念是唯物主义和唯心主义这两大互相冲突的哲学派别。对唯心主义哪怕作出最微小的让步最终都将导致信仰主义和宗教,从而在客观上帮助和拯救了资产阶级。他不仅力图说明,那些否认不依赖感官知觉而存在的客观世界的实在性的人实际上是宗教信徒,而且企图——更令人难以置信地——表明,在关于外部世界的存在不可知论和宗教之间有一种必然联系。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:106

3. The basic conception in the book was that two philosophical schools confronted each other: materialism and idealism. The slightest concession to idealism would objectively give aid and succour to the bourgeoisie by ending up in fideism and religion. And he attempted to show not only that those who have denied the reality of an objective world existing independent1y of sense perception had in fact been religious believers, but also—and much more implausibly—that there was a necessary connection between agnosticism about the existence of an external world and religion. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 114-115.


例句 1:
Starting from a disputable case in real life, this paper illustrates the aggravation circumstances of robbery. It is believed that aggravation details in the offence of robbery is not only the objective situation of the description of the charge in an indictment, but also should be a new criminal course formed based on the basic composing of the offence of robbery.

例句 2:
Elements of the offense and the objective punishment conditions are mutually exclusive. The elements of the offense have the feature of categorization and that of substantial wrongfulness.

例句 3:
In the theory of four – element crime constitution, there is no room for the objective punishment condition. But the objective punishable condition already exists in the criminal legislation of our country now. How to understand and apply these provisions is an issues that cannot be avoided in theory.





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