

字词 实在




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:179.
[2] 李开荣.汉英现代科学词典[Z].中国书籍出版社,2001:71.


“实在”概念在胡塞尔术语中具有双重含义,一方面,在现象学还原前的“实在”概念保留了其原有的传统意义,它意味着“在世界之中的存在”,亦即在意识之外并与意识相对应的存在。胡塞尔通过意向分析而指出“实在”与“意识”的被给予方式差异:“在意识与实在之间存在着一个真正的意义鸿沟。实在是一种映射性的、永远无法绝对给予的、仅只是偶然的和相对的存在;而意识则是一种必然的和绝对的存在,它原则上无法通过映射和显现而被给予”。另一方面,在现象学还原之后,“实在”概念则意味着由意识所构造的并内在于“意识的相关项”,在这个意义上,“所有实在都是通过‘意义给予’而存在”,“所有实在的统一都是‘意义的统一’”。最后,在最宽泛意义上的被构造的“实在”不仅包括“物质实在”和“心灵实在”的实体(被具体地理解为最宽泛意义上的事物),而且也包括“实在的特性”、“实在的状态”和“实在的因果性”等等。而相对于所有其他实在而言,物质实在作为最底层的实在具有基础性质(实在, via:http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=实体规定&korder=0&sel=1)。但对各种实在类型的本质直观表明,任何一种实在都不能被还原为其他的实在。因此,每一种特殊的实在类型都带有其本己的构造现象学,亦即都带有一门新的、具体的理性学说。现象学的任务在于:使这个构造着所有客观实在之本原被给予性的整个意识构形系统连同其所有阶段和层次都得到认识。




1. 他不是反对康德的不可知论(不可知论就是否认我们通过感觉感知的客观实在),而是主张更纯粹的不可知论,主张排除康德的那个和不可知论相矛盾的假定:自在之物是存在的,虽然它们是不可认识的、心智的、彼岸的;必然性和因果性是存在的,虽然它们是先验的,是存在于思维中而不是存在于客观现实中。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:203

1. He fought not against the agnosticism of Kant (agnosticism is a denial of the objective reality given in sensation), but for a purer agnosticism, for the elimination of Kant’s assumption, which is contradictory to agnosticism, that there is a thing-in-itself, albeit unknowable, noumenal and other-sided, that there is necessity and causality, albeit a priori, given in our understanding, and not in objective reality. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 197.

2. 批判的批判教导工人们说,只要他们在思想上铲除了资本这个范畴,他们也就消除了真正的资本;只要他们在自己的意识中改变自己这个“抽象的我”,并把真正改变自己的现实的生存、改变自己生存的现实条件、即改变自己这个现实的 “我”的任何行动当作非批判的行为加以鄙弃,他们就会真正发生变化并转化为现实的人。把实在的现实只看作一些范畴的“精神”,当然要把人的一切活动和实践统统归结为批判的辩证思维过程。它的社会主义同群众的社会主义和共产主义的区别也就在这里。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:66

2. Critical Criticism teaches them that they abolish real capital by overcoming in thinking the category Capital, that they really change and transform themselves into real human beings by changing their “abstract ego” in consciousness and scorning as an un-Critical operation all real change of their real existence, of the real conditions of their existence, that is to say, of their real ego. The “spirit”, which sees in reality only categories, naturally reduces all human activity and practice to the dialectical process of thought of Critical Criticism. That is what distinguishes its socialism from mass-type socialism and communism. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 53.

3. 因而黑格尔陷入幻觉,把实在理解为自我综合、自我深化和自我运动的思维的结果,其实,从抽象上升到具体的方法,只是思维用来掌握具体并把它当做一个精神上的具体再现出来的方式。但决不是具体本身的产生过程。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十二卷)》,1962:751

3. Hegel accordingly arrived at the illusion that the real was the result of thinking synthesising itself within itself, delving ever deeper into itself and moving by its inner motivation; actually, the method of advancing from the abstract to the concrete is simply the way in which thinking assimilates the concrete and reproduces it as a mental concrete. This is, however, by no means the process by which the concrete itself originates. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 38.


例句 1:
Through the clarification and summing-up of the philosophical research on virtual reality, the paper has reduced the research to six problems. 1. What is virtual reality?

例句 2:
In the domain of technological philosophy, the discussion on technological ontology involves technological reality which may be viewed as either a reality in relation to technology or a technology attributable to reality.

例句 3:
Structural realism is considered the bone of contention in the debate between scientific realism and anti-realism nowadays.





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