

字词 《哥达纲领批判》


Critique of the Gotha Program


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z]. 上海辞书出版社,2003:147.
[2] Critique of the Gotha Program. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critique_of_the_Gotha_Program






1. 潘涅库克认为,重要的是,只要工人阶级是在革命形势下被迫起来捍卫自己的利益而反对资本的利益的时,他们的组织就该采取工厂委员会的形式……这些委员会将组建一个首先是按劳而分配的社会,再达到这样的阶段,社会消费超过个人消费,自由分享将确保《哥达纲领批判》中“各尽所能,按需分配”这一著名口号的实现。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:181

1. Pannekoek considered it significant that whenever the working class, in a revolutionary situation, were forced to protect their own interests against those of capital, their organization took the form of workers’ councils…These councils would organise a society in which distribution would first conform to labour expended until a stage had been reached in which social consumption would outweigh individual consumption and in which free sharing would ensure the implementation of the famous slogan from the Critique of the Gotha Programme. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx, 1998: 190.

2. 但是整个纲领,尽管满是民主的喧嚣,却彻头彻尾地感染了拉萨尔派的对国家的忠顺信仰,或者说感染了并不比前者好一些的对民主奇迹的信仰,或者说得更正确些,它是这两种同样背离社会主义的对奇迹的信仰的妥协。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》,1963:33

2. But the whole Programme, for all its democratic clang, is tainted through and through by the Lassallean sect’s servile belief in the state, or, what is no better, by a democratic belief in miracles, or rather it is a compromise between these two kinds of belief in miracles, both equally remote from socialism. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 75.


例句 1:
In Gotha Programme, Marx criticized the capitalist route of the reformism of Lassalle, then he stated his development thought, which comprised with the four aspects:economic, political, cultural and social. By doing this, the proletarian party found its correct direction and goal for revolution and construction.

例句 2:
In resent a century, the concept of critique of the Gotha Program include the division of transition period,the first stage of communism(socialist), advanced stage of communism, and the principle of socialist stage, the ownership and allocation, etc. The basic idea has a huge and profound influence on the global socialist movement.

例句 3:
Marx express his point which the development of the future society in Critique of the Gotha Programme.





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