

字词 多元决定




Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 61.






1. 在具体的文化环境下,阶级可能是决定不足或多元决定的,因此,阶级的碎片可以凭借自身成为一种社会力量,即使它们不符合抽象阶级模式的精确论述。由于具有赋予理论凌驾在具体社会政治形势上的一般倾向,经典马克思主义的分析 没有认识这一状况,得出了许多错误的结论。—— 《后马克思主义思想史》,2011: 95

1. Classes can be underdetermined or overdetermined in specific cultural instances, therefore, and fractions may exist as a social force in their own right even though they fail to fit the precise formulation of the abstract model of a class. Failure to recognize this state of affairs has led to many wrong conclusions in classical Marxist analysis, with its general tendency to privilege the theory over the concrete socio-political situation. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 61.

2. 综上所述,根据马克思主义的历史经验,一切矛盾在历史实践中都以多元决定的矛盾而出现:这种多元决定正是马克思的矛盾与黑格尔的矛盾相比所具有的特殊性;黑格尔辩证法的“简单性”来源于黑格尔的“世界观”,特别是来源于在世界观中得到反映的历史观。既然如此,我们不禁要问:马克思的矛盾的多元决定的内容是什么?根据是什么?马克思的社会观怎么能在多元决定中得到反映?——《保卫马克思》,1984:84

2. But if every contradiction appears in Marxist historical practice and experience as an overdetermined contradiction; if this overdetermination constitutes the specificity of Marxist contradiction; if the 'simplicity' of the Hegelian dialectic is inseparable from Hegel's 'world outlook', particularly the conception of history it reflects, we must ask what is the content, the raison d'être of the overdetermination of the Marxist contradiction, and how can the Marxist conception of society be reflected in this overdetermination. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 107.

3. 症候是弗洛伊德用来沟通精神分析学与传统诊断医学的桥梁,弗洛伊德将其视之为无意识的一种表露。所以,他会在梦、口误和俏皮话中发现症候。弗洛伊德认为,症候是由复杂的因素“多元决定”的。阿尔都塞强调过这个词,并将其改造为一种症候阅读法。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007: 352

3. Originally, it was used by Freud to bridge psychoanalysis and conventional medical diagnosis. In the eyes of Freud, it is a revelation of the unconscious; therefore, it emerges in the dreams, slips of tongue, or wisecracks. Freud thought that symptom is "over-determined" by many complex factors Symptom later received the attention of Althusser, who turned it into “symptomatic reading.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 456.


例句 1:
If the pluralistic decision is just a hide in the traditional Left Wing theory, then in the New Left, it has become a public appeal. 

例句 2:
In For Marx, Althusser analyzes the difference of the dialectics and conception of history between Marxism and Hegel through the Overdertermination Theory. He also criticizes the viewpoint that simply explained Marxism as economism.

例句 3:
Althusser emphasized the individual surrender system in which ideology calls individual as the main body, stressing the individual’s error recognition of an imaginary relationship, but Althusser’s ideology is based on multivariate decided social structure. Ideology and the autonomy of the superstructure are always confined to an economy-driven mode taking production as the core.





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