

字词 团结


unity; to unite


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:662.
[2] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 15.






1. 第二十九军的全体爱国将士团结起来,反对妥协退让,实行坚决抗战!平津和华北的全体爱国同胞团结起来,反对妥协退让,拥护坚决抗战!全国爱国同胞团结起来,反对妥协退让,拥护坚决抗战!——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:345

1. Patriotic officers and men of the 29th Army, unite! Oppose compromise and concessions and conduct resolute armed resistance!Fellow patriots of Peiping, Tientsin and northern China, unite! Oppose compromise and concessions and support resolute armed resistance!Fellow patriots throughout the country, unite! Oppose compromise and concessions and support resolute armed resistance! -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 15.

2. 文艺批评有两个标准,一个是政治标准,一个是艺术标准。按照政治标准来说,一切利于抗日和团结的,鼓励群众同心同德的,反对倒退、促成进步的东西,便都是好的;而一切不利于抗日和团结的,鼓动群众离心离德的,反对进步,,拉着人们倒退的东西,便都是坏的。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:825

2. In literary and art criticism there are two criteria, the political and the artistic. According to the political criterion, everything is good that is helpful to unity and resistance to Japan, that encourages the masses to be of one heart and one mind, that opposes retrogression and promotes progress; on the other hand, everything is bad that is detrimental to unity and resistance to Japan, foments dissension and discord among the masses and opposes progress and drags people back. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 88.

3. 蒲鲁东写道工资是劳动者维持每天生活和补充精力所必需的费用;而您把它当作是一项出让所生产出来的价值的代价,那就错了。”蒲鲁东实际上指出了,资本家付给工人的工资并不等于工人劳动所创造出来的价值,除了工人劳动日的价值没有得到全部偿付之外,起码“对于劳动者因团结协调和群策群力而产生的庞大的力量,资本家并没有给予任何报酬”。 ——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:101

3. Proudhon wrote: “Wages [are] the cost of the daily maintenance and refreshment of the laborer. You [the capitalist] are wrong in calling it the price of a sale.” Here, Proudhon points out that the wages paid by capitalists to workers are not equal to the value of the commodities being produced. The capitalist not only fails to pay the laborer his full daily wage, but “he has paid nothing for that immense power which results from the union and harmony of laborers, and the convergence and simultaneousness of their efforts.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 66.


例句 1:
Deng Xiaoping pays great attention to maintaining the solidarity and unity of Communist Party.

例句 2:
Deng Xiaoping pays attention to the united problem in Party and national career development highly. He not only pays attention to the solidarity between persons , between party members and between party and non-clique, and still pays attention to national solidarity, and the solidarity between country.

例句 3:
In practice Mao Zedong followed scientific development, promoted social harmony and stability, advocated seeking truth from facts, carried out the mass line, adhered to an independent strategy, which had established the guidance strategies of China's national unity and progress.





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