

字词 因果关系


causal relation; causality; causal connection


[1] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000:276.
[2] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 46.
[3] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 195.






1. 在《否定的辩证法》的第三部分中,阿多诺曾经以科学中习以为常的因果关系为例来揭露“同一性作为一种精神原则反映了对自然的显示统治”。在他看来,因果性的观念直接“可以告诉人们同一性对非同一性做了些什么“,不论是在主观上还是客观上,因果性作为一种人的观念“都是被统治的自然的魔法”。 ——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007: 25

1. In section three of the book, Adorno has applied the concept of causality, a concept taken for granted by science, to expose the enslaving nature of identity, namely, identity as an intellectual principle is only the reflection of the real control of nature. 1n his view, the concept of causality can directly teach us “what identity has done to nonidentity.” Subjectively or objectively, causality is “the spell of dominated nature.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 46.

2. 另外一个问题,即对军国主义和对战争的态度问题,就比较复杂了。一眼就可以看出,爱尔威不可原谅地混淆了这两个问题,忘记了战争同资本主义的因果关系。无产阶级如果采用爱尔威派的策略,就注定会使自己的工作徒劳无益,因为把一切战斗准备(这里说的是起义)都用来同结果(战争)作斗争,却让原因(资本主义)继续存在。——《列宁全集(第十七卷)》,1988:170

2. More complicated is the other question, namely, the attitude to militarism and war. At the very first glance it is obvious that Hervé is unforgivably confusing these two questions, and forgetting the causal connection between war and capitalism. By adopting Hervé’s tactics, the proletariat would condemn itself to fruitless activity: it would use up all its fighting preparedness (the reference is to insurrection) in the struggle against the effect (war) and allow the cause (capitalism) to remain. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1977: 195.

3. 但是,我们已经不止一次地看到,在目前的资产阶级社会中,人们就象受某种异己力量的支配一样,受自己所创造的经济关系、受自己所生产的生产资料的支配。因此,宗教的反映过程的事实基础就继续存在,而且宗教反映本身也同它一起继续存在。即使资产阶级经济学对这种异己支配力量的因果关系有一定的理解,事情并不因此而有丝毫改变。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:342

3. However, we have seen repeatedly that in existing bourgeois society men are dominated by the economic conditions created by themselves, by the means of production which they themselves have produced, as if by an alien force. The actual basis of the religious reflective activity therefore continues to exist, and with it the religious reflection itself. And although bourgeois political economy has given a certain insight into the causal connection of this alien domination, this makes no essential difference. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 301.


例句 1:
The principle means that the causality of reality prior to causality in law, and the causality in law can only be probed on the basis of clarifying the causality of reality.

例句 2:
Casuality is one of inscapes of tortious liability ,basing on which tortious liability is confirmed.

例句 3:
Causal relationship between what is a relation of cause and the cause of that causality in criminal law would mean the results attributable to a particular behavior. Causal relation theory is an important theoretical problem in criminal jurisprudence, is also a problem in our country criminal law the most chaotic. If you want to make it come out from the wandering, to accurately grasp the essence of the causal relationship between criminal law is to blame, rather than the attribution problem. In this regard, the objective imputation theory can make us very well solve the deficiency of present research on ca





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