

字词 右倾


Right tendency; Right deviation


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 140.


右倾是指政治思想上,认识落后于实际,不能随变化了的客观情况变化、前进,甚至违背客观发展规律的倾向。右倾思想如果形成为系统完整的路线,并在实践中贯彻便成为右倾机会主义。右倾机会主义在政治斗争中往往放弃原则,牺牲无产阶级根本利益而求得妥协,又叫右倾投降主义。北伐战争后期,以陈独秀为代表的右倾思想(苏共斯大林指导错误),发展为投降主义路线,在中国共产党的领导机关中占了统治地位。表现为不是放手发动工人、农民起来斗争,而是放弃党的领导权,致使党不能组织有力的斗争。抗日战争初期,曾经犯有“左”倾冒险主义错误的王明,在不要联合,只要斗争,“一切通过统一战线”,以退让求联合的思想指导下又犯了右倾投降主义错误,把抗日领导权交给蒋介石,严重影响了江南新四军的发展。右倾和“左”倾都是违背马克思主义,都以主观和客观相分裂、认识和实践相脱离为特征。它们虽是从两个各不相同的极端出发,但思想基础都是主观主义,因此在一定条件下,两者可以互相转化。马克思主义者在政治斗争中,既反对“左”倾,也反对右倾(via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8F%B3%E5%80%BE/2949016?fr=aladdin)。


via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8F%B3%E5%80%BE/2949016?fr=aladdin


1. 由于无后方作战和在“左”的错误下自己所造成的困难,特别在斗争紧张的地区, 一部分干部的右倾情绪也在滋长。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1994:114

1. Due to our fighting without a rear area and creating difficulties for ourselves with our “Left” errors, a Right tendency was nurtured among some of our cadres, especially in areas where the struggle was fierce -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 1), 1995: 121.

2. 我再说一遍:余地是很多的,从议会党团到争取政权的直接任务。在这样广阔的范围内进行思想斗争,可以也应该不致引起分裂,不致影响无产阶级行动的一致。因此我们号召所有不愿让我们党过于右倾的社会民主党人进行这样的思想斗争。——《列宁全集(第十三卷)》,1987:64

2. I repeat: there is plenty of scope from the parliamentary group to the immediate task of wresting power. Within these wide limits, the ideological struggle can and must proceed without causing a split, without affecting the unity of action of the proletariat. And we call upon all Social-Democrats who do not want our Party to stray too far to the right to join in this ideological struggle. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 381.

3. 然而,如果说机械论是右倾的话,德波林主义则很快就同“左”倾主义联系到一起。他们被指责为在哲学上采取政治中立、理论和实践相脱离、低估列宁而高估黑格尔和普列汉诺夫,最终于1930 年被贬斥为“孟什维克式的唯心主义”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:130

3. However, if Mechanism was a “Right” deviation, Deborinism was soon linked with “Left” deviationism, accused of political neutrality in philosophy, of separating theory from practice, underestimating Lenin, overestimating Hegel and Plekhanov, and finally condemned in 1930 as “Menshevik idealism”. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 140.


例句 1:
But after the bubble economy in the 1990s to make Japan into the longest recession in the postwar. Due to the low long-term sustainable economic growth, people are constantly worried about the economic outlook, a growing number of social problems, the government is willing to confuse the centripetal force for cohesion and divert the attention of the people of the nation, made a series of seemingly inciting people actually harm error Asia-Pacific regTonal peace advocate. Biased ideological and moral education in Japan caused some do not understand the history of the Japanese invasion of citizens, nor could they have been aware of the ruling class ideology blinded, unable to rotensified in recent years, rightist make an objective judgment, even blind support. In this context, the new nationalism took the opportunity to draw people, the use of contemporary Japanese people confused, you want to maximize the in terests of the nation great and in the process





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