

字词 反动




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 71.


反动在不同的学科有不同的释义。在物理学中指反向运动;在历史学中指历史的倒退行为,或者逆于正常历史进程的行为;在马克思社会主义中,主要指反对无产阶级革命的思想和行为。老子曾在《道德经》第四十章提到:“反者道之动,弱者道之用。”意思为天地自然的法则都是正反循环、强弱交替。一些人认为汉字“反动”一词类似“干部”,“经济”等词同来源于日本,原因是日本先于中国接受西方思想并进行明治维新,后来被20世纪20年代中国爱国者们引进(反动.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6976029-7198718.html)。


反动.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6976029-7198718.html


1. 乍看起来,俄国不像是最有革命前景的国家。19世纪中叶的俄国一直是反动的代名词,基本上仍处于中世纪状态。即使在1861年废除农奴制以后,俄国也还是一个不发达的农业社会。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:65

1. At first sight, Russia would not seem the most promising land for revolution. In the mid-nineteenth century Russia had been a by-word for reaction and was still basically medieval; and even after the emancipation of the serfs in 1861, Russia continued to be an underdeveloped agrarian society. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 71.

2. 然而,托洛茨基想把斯大林称为俄国的波拿巴;而在1934-1935年间,即在基洛夫遭暗杀后,托洛茨基则把热月政变看成是革命运动内部权力的转移,即从资产阶级群众转向富有的少数人。苏联与此相类似的事件是,1924年以后权力从无产阶级群众移向官僚阶层和工人贵族。这不是反革命,而是革命内部的一种反动。一国社会主义论是导致官僚主义统治的热月式说教。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:100

2. Trotsky nevertheless wished to call Stalin the Russian Bonaparte and by 1934-5, after the assassination of Kirov, Trotsky was regarding Thermidor as the transfer of power inside the revolutionary movement from the mass of the bourgeoisie to a small rich minority. The parallel of the Soviet Union had been the transfer of power, from 1924 onwards, from the mass of the proletariat to the bureaucracy and the workers' aristocracy. This was not a counter-revolution, but a reaction inside a revolution. Socialism in One Country was the doctrine of Thermidor which led to bureaucratic domination. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 152.

3. 阿多诺是从社会历史性的意义上反现这一理论现象的,他指认现代主观唯心主义是对现代社会物化现象的穿透。当然也是对拜物教化的实证主义的一种逻辑反动。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:60

3. Adorno’s retrospection of such a theoretical phenomenon is in the sense of social historicity. He points out that modern idealism is a penetration for the reification in modern society. Of course, it is also a sort of logic reactionary against the fetishistic positivism. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 94.


例句 1:
Challenges lie in that the foreign and domestic two aspects, foreign reactionary forces penetrate through the network by hyping capitalist ideology; spreading anti-Marxist remarks to confuse people; the contradictions and conflicts caused by domestic social transformation zoomed on the network challenge the self- identification of Marxism; it is difficult for the traditional way of popularizing Marxism to meet the new requirements at the same time.

例句 2:
Kuhn’s paradigmatic theory originated from the reaction to the scientific view of logical empiricism, which constructs an accumulated and progressive scientific development. On the basis, Kuhn built a non-cumulative and revolutionary blueprint. 

例句 3:
DengXiaoping promulgates human nature from the angle of productive force development, safeguards people’s material interests from the angle of socialist superiority, elaborates the four rules governing the growth of talent, etc.





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