

字词    二元认知构架


dualistic cognitive framework; binary epistemological framework


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 41, 45.


认知构架即认知结构,即学习者头脑里的知识结构,他们已有的全部观念内容和组织。广义上,认知结构是学生已有的观念的全部内容及其组织;狭义地说,它是学生在某一学科的特殊知识领域内的观念的全部内容及其组织。美国认知教育心理学家戴维·保罗·奥苏贝尔(David Pawl Ausubel, 1918-2008)提出了三个主要的影响有意义学习和迁移的认知结构变量:观念的可利用性、观念的可辨别性和观念的稳定性与清晰性(认知结构.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=jUaQnfSwrC010DUJxYcfaOe4J3aDGE7QJGjaXmmjlw-WgyzoIVCXVhcKTvgWR06ADSUMD2aqy8PdUmqYg-g3zq)。二元认知架构主张世界有意识和物质两个独立本原的哲学学说,强调物质和精神是同等公平地存在的。认为世界的本原是意识和物质两个实体,坚持意识可以离开物质而独立存在(二元论.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=jUaQnfSwrC010DUJxYcfaOe4J3aDGE7QJGjaXmmjlw-WgyzoIVCXVhcKTvgWR06ADSUMD2aqy8PdUmqYg-g3zq)。


[1] 认知结构.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=jUaQnfSwrC010DUJxYcfaOe4J3aDGE7QJGjaXmmjlw-WgyzoIVCXVhcKTvgWR06ADSUMD2aqy8PdUmqYg-g3zq
[2] 二元论.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=jUaQnfSwrC010DUJxYcfaOe4J3aDGE7QJGjaXmmjlw-WgyzoIVCXVhcKTvgWR06ADSUMD2aqy8PdUmqYg-g3zq


1. 依阿多诺的看法,任何一种同一逻辑的等级结构又必定导致不可避免的二元认知构架,第一哲学必然和“二元论走到一起”。或者换句话说,过去在形而上学中出现的主体与客体的二元分裂的两极性是一种非辩证结构。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:21-22

1. In Adorno’s view, any kind of hierarchical structure of identity logic will inevitably lead to a dualistic cognitive framework. The First philosophy and dualism inevitably go together with each other. In other words, the polarity of subject and object in the traditional metaphysics may well appear to be an un-dialectical structure. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 41.

2. 最后是主体与客体的和谐一致,无论它们经过怎样的中介,主体总是吞噬客体。这是过去那种二元认知构架的直达理想,它或者表现为事实的直观性或者表现为真理本质的外在符合说。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:24

2. Finally, it means that subject and object coincide; whatever their media is, the subject always swallows the object. This is the idea of immediate knowing embedded in the old binary epistemological framework, which is either manifested in the immediacy of reality or in the notion advocating the external correspondence with the truth. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 44-45.


例句 1:
Through a systematic analysis method and feature extraction method to analyze the expression of sense of life, way of thinking been found hidden in the deep role, Infiltration, and metaphor is typical of such a primitive way of thinking, while the essence is a kind of binary thinking, cognitive model, it is built on this basis, a “metaphorical thinking creativity Law” and “dual cognitive thinking creativity Law”, and through product design examples to test the feasibility and operability, for the design creative practice is a important significance.

例句 2:
His truth belief is significant in inheriting the humanistic sympathy of philosophy, and trying to overcome the shortage of dual cognitive model of traditional truth belief, and highlighting that truth is a self-improving dynamic process rather than a static one. Many of his doctrines offer the theoretical basis for the development of pragmatism.





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