字词 | 冲突对抗 |
释义 | 冲突对抗【英】conflict and confrontation译文来源习近平谈治国理政:英文/习近平著;英文翻译组译.--北京:外文出版社,2014:346 例句1. 中阿双方坚持以开放包容心态看待对方,用对话交流代替冲突对抗,创造了不同社会制度、不同信仰、不同文化传统的国家和谐相处的典范。——《习近平谈治国理政》 ,2014:315 1. China and the Arab states have always viewed each other with an open and inclusive attitude, and engaged in dialogues and exchanges rather than conflict and confrontation.We have set a good example of harmonious coexistence between countries with different social systems, beliefs, and cultural traditions.—Quoted from XI JINPING The Governance of China, 2014:346 |
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