

字词 关系命题


relational proposition


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:471.
[2] Relational Proposition. via: http://www.glossary.sil.org/term/relational-proposition




[1] 张君主.逻辑学教程[M].中南大学出版社,2009.
[2] 李芳凡,张蓉编.普通逻辑学[M].江西人民出版社,2013.


1. 他们的基本思想(在摘自马克思著作的上述引文中也已表达得十分明确)是把社会关系分成物质的社会关系和思想的社会关系。思想的社会关系不过是物质的社会关系的上层建筑,而物质的社会关系是不以人的意志和意识为转移而形成的,是人维持生存的活动的。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:120-121

1. Their basic idea (quite definitely expressed, for instance, in the passage from Marx quoted above) was that social relations are divided into material and ideological. The latter merely constitute a superstructure on the former, which take shape independent of the will and consciousness of man as (the result) the form of man’s activity to maintain his existence. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 151.

2. 作为这一切等式的基础的伟大命题就是:我不是非我。这个非我获得各种不同的名称,这些名称一方面可以是纯逻辑的,例如自在的存在、异在,另一方面是具体观念的名称,例如人民、国家等等。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:316

2. The great proposition that forms the basis of all these equations is: I am not non-I. This non-I is given various names, which, on the one hand, can be purely logical, e.g., being-in-itself, other-being, or, on the other hand, the names of concrete ideas such as the people, state, etc. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 281.


例句 1:
Starting from the prior natural object, through the construction of proposition’s form, as well as construction of a series of proposition, such as the proposition about entity attribute, the proposition about congener category, the proposition about causal relation, and proposition about form and material and so on, Aristole has then established existent system taking the entity as the center.

例句 2:
Logic contradiction is only non equivalent relation proposition of all contradictive quantifier, quality word, true value word; dialectical contradiction is only equivalent relation proposition of all contradictive subject term, object term and proposition term. Based on the fact to verify the posit consistence and integrity to show that Gtidel’s law is not applicable to algebraic theory including expended natural number.

例句 3:
对智能规划中的常用工具——放松式规划图(relaxed planning graph,简称RPG)的图论性质进行了深入研究。将RPG中的命题层抽取出来,得到一个不包含任何动作的命题关系图(proposition relation graph,简称PRG),发现PRG仍具有RPG的主要规划性质。——“利用规划命题关系图构建目标议程和





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