

字词 公民义务


citizen’s duty; civic duty


[1] Lenin. V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 12) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 83.
[2] Lenin. V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 31.


公民义务(citizen’s duty, civic duty)是指权利主体应当作出或者不作出一定行为的约束,如享有一定权利的公民或法人依法应负的责任。公民义务是法律关系的构成要素之一,要依靠国家的强制力(法律的或行政的)来保证履行。任何一项权利必有相应的义务,在法律上以明示(如义务性规范、禁止性规范),或者默示(如授权性规范)的形式予以规定。公民义务具有以下特征:第一,法定性。法律义务产生与存在的前提是法律的规定,即法律义务的设定权在于国家权力。第二,强制性。法律义务是法律上必须做出或不做出一定行为,当事人不能放弃和改变,不履行法律规定的义务要承担相应的法律责任。第三,约束性。不仅表现为义务人对自己行为的抑制,而且是义务人实现其权利与自由的手段(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5379782-5616031.html)。《中华人民共和国宪法》规定公民的基本义务有:(1)维护国家统一和全国各民族团结;(2)必须遵守宪法和法律,保守国家秘密,爱护公共财产,遵守劳动纪律,遵守公共秩序,尊重社会公德;(3)维护祖国安全、荣誉和利益的行为;(4)劳动的义务;(5)受教育的义务;(6)保卫祖国、抵抗侵略、依法服兵役和参加民兵组织;(7)依法纳税;(8)夫妻双方有义务实行计划生育,父母有义务抚养教育未成年子女,成年子女有义务赡养扶助父母(via: http://iask.sina.com.cn/b/14636575.html)。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5379782-5616031.html
[2] via: http://iask.sina.com.cn/b/14636575.html


1. 沃多沃佐夫先生企图揭露米留可夫同斯托雷平的谈判,不应当受到严厉责备,而应当受到赞赏。只有不了解公民义务的小市民,或者想向人民隐瞒立宪民主党的勾当的人才会责备政治活动家的这种行动。我们不知道,由立宪民主党人纳波柯夫作报告的这次会议的主办人属于这两类人中的哪一类。——《列宁全集(第十四卷)》,1988:364

1. Mr. Vodovozov deserves thanks and appreciation, not sharp reproaches, for his attempts to expose Milyukov’s negotiations with Stolypin. Only philistines who fail to understand their duties as citizens, or those who are anxious to control from the people the intrigues of the Cadets, can reproach a politician for such action. We really do not know in which of these categories to place the organisers of the meeting, at which the principle speaker was Nabokov, a Cadet. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 12), 1977: 83.

2. 所有的人都着了迷,所有的人都深信不疑。参加选举并不是平常地简单地履行普通的公民义务。参加选举就是为君主立宪上台举行庆典。参加选举就是从直接革命道路向君主立宪道路转变。——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:15

2. Everyone was enthusiastic, everyone sincerely believed in it. Participation in the elections was not just a matter-of-fact, simple performance of one’s usual civic duties: It was the solemn inauguration of a monarchist constitution. It was a turn from the direct revolutionary path to the monarchist-constitutional path. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 31.


例句 1:
Functionally, the value of citizens’ rights are more directly than citizens’ obligation. In itself, there is the same value as the citizens’ rights.

例句 2:
In the face of the fact that more than 60% of the constitutional codes in the world nowadays prescribe the citizens’ obligations, it's more practical and reasonable not to discuss firstly whether the constitution should prescribe the citizens’ obligations, but research into the existent constitutional problems and dig out the positive meaning matched with the constitutionalism in an attitude of treating the constitution texts seriously and in an approach of legal interpretation.

例句 3:
Obligations of citizens have always been an indispensable part in the text of China’s constitution. The constitution is the fundamental law of the nation and its contents should be fully implemented. Whether in the research field of scholars, or considered cautious





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