字词 | 代理结算协议 |
释义 | 代理结算协议【英】agent settlement agreement译文来源http://www.bjreview.com.cn/document/txt/2010-09/01/content_295505.htm 例句1. 为境外参加银行开立人民币同业往来账户,境内代理银行应当与境外参加银行签订代理结算协议。——《跨境贸易人民币结算试点管理办法实施细则》 1. In order to open a renminbi inter-bank fund transfer account for an overseas participating bank, a domestic agent bank shall sign an agent settlement agreement with the overseas participating bank. —Quoted from Regulations for Implementing the Administrative Rules on Pilot Program of Renminbi Settlement of Cross-border Trade Transactions |
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