字词 | 中华老字号 |
释义 | 中华老字号【英】China’s time-honored brand译文来源http://www.fdi.gov.cn/1800000121_39_1921_0_7.html 例句1. 外国投资者并购境内企业并取得实际控制权,涉及重点行业、存在影响或可能影响国家经济安全因素或者导致拥有驰名商标或中华老字号的境内企业实际控制权转移的,当事人应就此向商务部进行申报。——《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》 1. If foreign investors merge a domestic enterprise and obtain theactual control over the enterprise, and if such merger involves any critical industry,affects or may affect the security of the national economy, or causes transferenceof actual control over the domestic enterprise who possesses a renowned trademark or China’s time-honored brand, the parties to the merger shall applyto the MOFCOM.—Quoted from Provisions on Mergers and Acquisitions of a Domestic Enterprise By Foreign Investors |
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