字词 | 走廊规划和布局 |
释义 | 走廊规划和布局【英】The planning and layout of the Economic Corridor译文来源http://politics.people.com.cn/n/2015/0421/c1024-26881794.html 例句1. 走廊规划和布局要兼顾巴基斯坦各地区,让发展成果惠及巴基斯坦全体人民,进而惠及本地区各国人民。——《构建中巴命运共同体 开辟合作共赢新征程——习近平主席在巴基斯坦议会的演讲》 1. The planning and layout of the Economic Corridor should cover other parts of Pakistan as well so that the fruits of its development will reach both all the people in Pakistan and the people of other countries in our region.—Quoted from Building a China-Pakistan Community of Destiny to Pursue Closer Win-Win Cooperation--Speech by President Xi Jinping at the Parliament of Pakistan |
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