字词 | 经济发展新引擎 |
释义 | 经济发展新引擎【英】new engines of growth译文来源http://english.gov.cn/premier/speeches/2015/05/23/content_281475113213526.htm 例句1. 为此,我们要善于借鉴汲取“大道至简”等优秀文化传统,并结合新的时代要求予以发扬光大,放手让一切劳动、知识、技术、管理、资本的活力竞相迸发,让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌流,让所有社会成员各得其所、各展其能、机会公平,打造经济发展新引擎,开辟社会进步新天地,营造团结和谐新气象,使我们的国家始终充满生机与活力。——《简政放权 放管结合 优化服务 深化行政体制改革 切实转变政府职能》 1. In this process, it is important to learn from the wisdom and fine traditions of our ancestors, such as the belief that "good governance should be simple in exercise", and apply it in the modern-day context to let labor, knowledge, technology, managerial expertise and capital play their full part in invigorating the market, open up all sources of social wealth and give all members of the society an equal opportunity to discover and realize their full potential. By so doing, we will be able to build new engines of growth, create fresh prospects for social progress, unity and harmony and ensure that our nation will always be a place full of vitality and dynamism.—Quoted from Streamline Administration, Delegate Power, Strengthen Regulation and Improve Service to Deepen Administrative Reform and Transform Government Functions |
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