字词 | 真实性、完整性及合规性 |
释义 | 真实性、完整性及合规性【英】authenticity; integrity and compliance译文来源http://www.bjreview.com.cn/document/txt/2010-09/01/content_295505.htm 例句1. 境内代理银行在为境外参加银行开立人民币同业往来账户时,应当要求境外参加银行提供其在本国或本地区的登记注册文件或者本国监管部门批准其成立的证明、法定代表人或指定签字人的有效身份证件等作为开户证明文件,并对上述文件的真实性、完整性及合规性进行认真审查。——《跨境贸易人民币结算试点管理办法实施细则》 1. When opening the renminbi inter-bank fund transfer account for the overseas participating bank, the domestic agent bank shall request the overseas bank to provide the registration document in its home country or region or the approval for incorporation by the concerning regulator in the home country/region, valid identity documents of legal representative(s) or the person(s) authorized to sign agreements on behalf of the bank, and examine the authenticity, integrity and compliance of such documents. —Quoted from Regulations for Implementing the Administrative Rules on Pilot Program of Renminbi Settlement of Cross-border Trade Transactions |
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