字词 | 民族品格 |
释义 | 民族品格【英】national character译文来源http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/zyjh_665391/t562220.shtml 例句1. 在抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建中,举国上下同心协力,海内外同胞和衷共济,充分展现了中华民族团结奋斗的民族品格和风雨同舟的强大力量。《胡锦涛在出席纪念四川汶川特大地震一周年活动时的讲话》 1. The concerted efforts of the entire Chinese people in the relief and reconstruction operation—from leaders to the ordinary people, from compatriots within China to those from abroad—are the best expression of our national character of solidarity and hard work and fully demonstrate the enormous strength we can have if we all stand together in times of adversity.—Quoted from Address by President Hu Jintao at the Commemorative Event Marking the First Anniversary Of the Devastating Wenchuan Earthquake |
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