字词 | 建设性姿态 |
释义 | 建设性姿态【英】a constructive role译文来源习近平谈治国理政:英文/习近平著;英文翻译组译.--北京:外文出版社,2014:347 例句1. 中国将以建设性姿态参与地区事务,主持公道、伸张正义,同阿拉伯国家一道,推动通过对话找到各方关切的最大公约数,为妥善解决地区热点问题提供更多公共产品。——《习近平谈治国理政》 ,2014:316 1. China will play a constructive role in regional affairs, speak up for justice, and work with the Arab states to encourage dialogue as a way to find the greatest common denominator on issues of concern to all parties. We will direct a greater level of diplomatic effort to the proper settlement of regional flashpoints.—Quoted from XI JINPING The Governance of China, 2014: 347 |
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