

字词 《境内机构和个人发包工程作业或劳务项目报告表》


the Form of Report on Contracted Engineering Operation and Provision of Labor Services of Organizations and Individuals




1. 境内机构和个人向非居民发包工程作业或劳务项目的,应当自项目合同签订之日起30日内,向主管税务机关报送《境内机构和个人发包工程作业或劳务项目报告表》并附送非居民的税务登记证、合同、税务代理委托书复印件或非居民对有关事项的书面说明等资料。——《非居民承包工程作业和提供劳务税收管理暂行办法》

1. Where an organization or individual in China contracts engineering operation or labor projects to non-residents, it shall, within 30 daysupon the date when the project contract is concluded, submit the Form of Report on Contracted Engineering Operation and Provision of LaborServices of Organizations and Individuals (see Attachment 1), andattach with the tax registration certificates, contracts and photocopies ofauthorization letter of taxation agency of the non-residents, or writtenstatements of the non-residents on relevant matters to the competent taxauthority.Article 2 The “non-residents” mentioned in the measures consist of non-resident enterprises and non-resident individuals. —Quoted from Interim Measures for Tax Administration On Contracted Engineering Operation and Provision of Labor Services of Non-residents





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