字词 | 工作作风 |
释义 | 工作作风【英】working style译文来源习近平谈治国理政:英文/习近平著;英文翻译组译.--北京:外文出版社,2014:427 例句1. 工作作风上的问题绝对不是小事,如果不坚决纠正不良风气,任其发展下去,就会像一座无形的墙把我们党和人民群众隔开,我们党就会失去根基、失去血脉、失去力量。——《习近平谈治国理政》 ,2014:387 1. The issue of working style is in no sense a small one. If miscon-duct is not corrected but allowed to run rampant, it will build aninvisible wall between our Party and the people. As a result, ourParty will lose its base, lifeblood and strength. —Quoted from XI JINPING The Governance of China, 2014:427 |
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