

字词 《中拉领导人巴西利亚会晤联合声明》


the Joint Statement of the Leaders’Meeting in Brasilia




1. 半年来,中拉双方以《中拉领导人巴西利亚会晤联合声明》为指针,共同致力于构建政治上真诚互信、经贸上合作共赢、人文上互学互鉴、国际事务中密切协作、整体合作和双边关系相互促进的中拉关系五位一体新格局,深入推进各领域互利合作,中拉关系呈现蒸蒸日上的新气象。 ——《共同谱写中拉全面合作伙伴关系新篇章--习近平主席在中国—拉共体论坛首届部长级会议开幕式上的致辞》

1. Over the last six months,our two sides have followed the guidance of the Joint Statement of the Leaders’Meeting in Brasilia,and worked together to build a new,five-dimensional relationship characterized by sincerity and mutual trust in the political field,win-win cooperation on the economic front,mutual learning and emulation in the cultural sphere,close coordination in international affairs,as well as synergy between China’s cooperation with the region as a whole and its bilateral relations with individual regional countries.With the deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas,the relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean are flourishing. ——Quoted from Jointly Write a New Chapter in the Partnership of Comprehensive Cooperation Between China and Latin America and the Caribbean--Address by President Xi Jinping at the Opening Ceremony of the First Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum





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