字词 | 国民经济体系 |
释义 | 国民经济体系【英】system of national economy译文来源http://www.china.org.cn/china/2009-12/30/content_19157902.htm 例句1. 我们要为子孙后代留下一个赖以生存和发展的地球家园,必须建设低投入、高产出,低消耗、少排放,能循环、可持续的国民经济体系,转变现有发展模式和消费模式,推动人类社会走上生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的发展道路。--发展绿色经济 促进持续增长--温家宝总理在第五届中欧工商峰会上的演讲 1. To leave to future generations a planet where they can survive and thrive, we need to put in place a circular and sustainable system of national economy that generates high output with low input, low consumption and low emissions. We need to transform the existing patterns of development and consumption and move the world to a development path characterized by high productivity, prosperous lives and sound ecology. - -Quoted from Develop Green Economy,Promote Sustained Growth- -Speech by Wen Jiabao at the Fifth China-EU Business Summit |
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