字词 | 《10+3关于积极老龄化的声明》 |
释义 | 《10+3关于积极老龄化的声明》【英】the APT Statement on Active Aging译文来源http://english.gov.cn/premier/speeches/2016/09/09/content_281475437532611.htm 例句1. 中方支持泰国提出的《10+3关于积极老龄化的声明》,愿与地区国家分享应对老龄化的经验。——《李克强在第19次东盟与中日韩(10+3)领导人会议上的讲话》 1. China supports the APT Statement on Active Aging proposed by Thailand and stands ready to share with other countries in the region experience on coping with population aging.—Quoted from Remarks at the 19th ASEAN Plus China, Japan and ROK Summit |
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