字词 | 10+3国际产能合作研讨会 |
释义 | 10+3国际产能合作研讨会【英】an international seminar on APT production capacity cooperation译文来源http://english.gov.cn/premier/speeches/2016/09/09/content_281475437532611.htm 例句1. 中方年内将举行10+3国际产能合作研讨会,欢迎地区各国官产学研各界人士积极参与,献计献策。——《李克强在第19次东盟与中日韩(10+3)领导人会议上的讲话》 1. China will host an international seminar on APT production capacity cooperation within this year. Government officials and representatives from industrial, academic and research communities of countries in the region are welcome to attend the seminar and share their views and ideas.—Quoted from Remarks at the 19th ASEAN Plus China, Japan and ROK Summit |
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