字词 | 全球化思潮 |
释义 | 全球化思潮【英】economic globalization译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2017-01/13/c_135980660.htm 例句1. 当前,人们普遍对世界经济发展前景感到焦虑,反经济全球化思潮、民粹主义、贸易保护主义明显上升,主张对现行发展道路、分配制度、治理模式进行反思和变革的声音增多,世界经济走向成为各方共同关心的问题。--《习近平在瑞士媒体发表署名文章》 1. We meet at a time of angst about the prospects of the world economy, growing backlash against economic globalization, and rising populism and trade protectionism. There is a stronger call for revisiting and changing the current paths of development, systems of wealth distribution and models of governance.The direction of the world economy is a subject of heated discussion. --Quoted from Full Text of Chinese President's Signed Article in Swiss Newspaper |
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