

字词 本雅明(瓦尔特·本雅明)


Walter Benjamin


[1] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000:150.
[2] Walter Benjamin. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Benjamin






1. 这也就意味着,人类的历史性存在同时包含着一种内在时间。这种时间不是抽象的持续性,而是由人类具体的当下的生产力的变革构成的。对于这一点,本雅明有过这样一个论述,他说,历史唯物主义的“历史是一种结构的主体,其发生地点不是同质的、空虚的时间,而是由当下的存在所填充的时间”,这种时间恰恰是由打破抽象的连续性而获得的。所以,马克思这里的历史存在与时间处于同一个本体逻辑平面上。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:420

1. This implies that man’s historical existence implies an internal time. This time is not abstract continuity, but is rather formed by man’s concrete, immediate productive forces. Writing on this point, Benjamin makes the point that the “history” of historical materialism is a structural subject. Its point of happening is not homogeneous, empty time, but rather time that is filled by immediate existence. This time is obtained by breaking abstract continuity. Thus Marx’s historical existence and time here occupy the same logical plane. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 326.

2. 马克思分析道,在资产阶级世界的表面上发生的这种运动中,交换价值似乎在流通中以纯粹的形式得以实现,就像前面我们所说的,一个购买面包的工人和一个购买面包的百万富翁,在这一行为中都只是单纯的买者,而面包零售商对他们来说只是卖者,“其他一切规定在这里都消失了”。“一切都消失”这个判断寓意深长,也十分重要,它既是人们感官止步的本质域界,也是资产阶级政治无意识的期望所在。正如本雅明所说的那样,“一种行为方式的性质和意义越是重要,它就越是逃避人们的视野”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:590

2. Marx found that in this movement on the surface of the bourgeois world, exchange value is realized in pure form in circulation. Just as we have already said, a worker who buys bread and a millionaire who buys bread are both pure buyers in this action. To them, the bread retailer is only a seller, “All other aspects are here extinguished.” The words “all other aspects are extinguished” carry deep connotations here; they indicate the essential realm where human senses cannot penetrate, as well as the political unconscious expectation of the bourgeoisie. As Benjamin wrote, the more important the nature and significance of a behavior, the more it escapes our view. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 467.

3. 马尔库塞的审美信念同样显示了一种在这一领域超越马克思主义正统的欲望:一种挑战公认的智慧和传统假设的欲望;在他看来,这些智慧和传统假设等于背叛了马克思主义的革命理想。他与阿诺多、布莱希特和本雅明一道(他们在美学理论中都赞同现代主义立场)挑战了社会主义的现实主义美学,后者认为现代主义基本上是精英主义和反社会主义的。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:135-136

3. Marcuse’s aesthetic beliefs indicate a desire to go beyond Marxist orthodoxy in his realm as well: a desire to challenge received wisdom and traditional assumptions that in his opinion amount to a betrayal of Marxism’s revolutionary ideals. He is in company with Adorno, Brecht and Benjamin, all of whom had taken the side of modernism in their aesthetic theories, challenging the received wisdom of the socialist realist aesthetic which regarded modernism as fundamentally elitist and anti-socialist. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 87.


例句 1:
As the last intelligentsia in Europe,the ideology and theory of Walter Benjamin is so complicated.

例句 2:
As an implied but fundamental dimension of Benjamin’s thoughts, politics is used for a thorough study on him in the thesis, in which concepts, images and systems of Benjamin’s political philosophy embedded in his theological, aesthetic and historical theories are explored, political intention expressed in the interpretations of language, violence, justice, ethics, time and revolution is revealed and significances and contributions of understanding Marxist conception of history and revolution from the perspective of messianic redemption are interpreted.

例句 3:
Compared with 'famous' Adorno, Benjamin is unknown to public when he is alive. He is frustrated in career.





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