

字词 敦煌学


Dunhuang Studies


学科名。敦煌是中国甘肃省的一个县城(现已改为市)。境内有一座鸣沙山。在此山并不陡峭的山岩上,不同朝代的供养人开凿了许多石窟,窟中有佛像,有壁画,都有极大的艺术价值。在一个并没有什么特色也并不大的石窟的复窟(今编号为第17 窟)中有大量珍贵的文献残卷,窟中保藏了将近千年的五万余件六朝、隋、唐以至宋代的写本和木刻本及各类文物终于重见天日。其内容涉及中国古代的政治、经济、军事、历史、哲学、宗教、民族、语言、文学、艺术、科学技术,涉及通过丝绸之路东西文化交流的许多方面。使用的语言文字,除汉文外,还有藏文以及古代西域语言。中、日、欧、美许多学者争相从事这方面的研究,由此形成了一门新兴的学科,就是敦煌学。敦煌学最初研究的对象,主要集中在新发现的文书及相关的问题上,后来研究范围逐渐扩大,推而广之,凡与敦煌石室所发现的文献以及石窟建筑、壁画、雕塑以至敦煌的历史文化等有关的问题,都是敦煌学研究的对象,这是一门综合性的学科。与敦煌学有密切联系的是吐鲁番学。从二十世纪初起,东西方许多国家的一些所谓探险家在中国新疆吐鲁番地区发掘出大量的文献和文物,许多国家的学者从事这方面的研究,取得了显著的成绩。这种学问被称为吐鲁番学,它也是一门综合性的学科,由于两者关系密不可分,有时合称敦煌吐鲁番学。敦煌吐鲁番学的内容异常丰富,甚至有点庞杂。它对中国文化史有极其重要的作用。对研究中国历史和地理、对研究中国文学、对于考古学和艺术史研究等方面都有重要价值。世界上历史悠久、地域广阔、自成体系、影响深远的文化体系只有四个:中国、印度、希腊、伊斯兰。而这四个文化体系汇流的地方只有一个,这就是中国的敦煌和新疆地区,从上面讲到的许多情况中能清楚地看到这几种文化的汇流及其产生的影响。研究这种汇流现象和汇流规律的地区,最好的、最有条件的就是中国的敦煌和新疆。

Dunhuang Studies: an academic discipline concerned with research on Buddhist grottoes in the Dunhuang area. Once a county in Gansu Province, Dunhuang is now a county-level city where Mingsha Mountain is located. On the relatively flat mountain ridge, Buddhist devotees from different historical periods carved out many grottoes or caves in which Buddhist statues and murals are found, all of great artistic merit. In the Library Cave (Mogao Cave 17) which is rather plain and small, a large number of rare documents and remnants were found, and a total of over fifty thousand cultural relics were brought to light, including manuscripts and wooden engraved blocks from the Six Dynasties, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty, which had been stored there for nearly a thousand years. These relics are relevant to multiple aspects of ancient China, including politics, economics, military affairs, history, philosophy, religion, nationalities, language, literature, art, science, and technology, from which we can gain a diversified understanding of cultural exchange between the East and the West along the Silk Road. These ancient manuscripts and documents were not only written in Chinese, but also in the Tibetan language and other ancient languages from the Western Regions (Cen





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