字词 | 良史 |
释义 | liángshǐ 良史Trustworthy Historian / Factual History 好的史家或史书,即能根据史实,客观记载书写,无所隐讳,信而有征。无论是史家,还是史书,判断其好坏的标准都在于记载历史是否客观真实。这是科学史学的首要条件。 This refers to historians or history books that record historical facts in an objective and truthful way based on evidences without covering up anything. Objectivity is the ultimate criterion for judging historians or history books in historiography. 引例 Citations: ◎然自刘向、扬雄博极群书,皆称迁有良史之材……其文直,其事核,不虚美,不隐恶。(《汉书·司马迁传赞》) (可是自从刘向、扬雄博览群书之后,都称赞司马迁具备优秀史家的资质……他行文正直合理,叙事翔实正确,不虚假赞美,不掩盖恶行。) However, after reading a huge number of books, Liu Xiang and Yang Xiong came to view Sima Qian as a great historian... His accounts are straightforward and reasonable, accurate and substantive, and free from false praise; they do not cover up evil deeds. (The Han History) ◎凡善恶必书,谓之良史。(苏鹗《苏氏演义》卷上) (无论善恶,都照直记录书写,这就叫好史书。) A factual history is one which records both good and evil that have happened. (Su E: Textual Studies by Su E) |
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