字词 | 博施济众 |
释义 | bóshī-jìzhòng 博施济众Deliver Extensive Benefits to the People and Relieve the Suffering of the Poor 广泛地给予百姓好处并救济困苦的民众。“博施济众”是对为政者的一项很高的要求。“博施济众”的实现要求为政者以仁爱之心对待治下的百姓,体察百姓的需求与困苦,并在为政中广泛地施予好处、帮助。做到“博施济众”的为政者即具备了“圣”的德性。 Delivering a wide range of benefits to the people and relieving the suffering of the poor is crucial for good governance. It requires that a ruler must treat his subjects with benevolence, be responsive to people's needs and their difficulties and bring extensive benefits to them. Such a ruler deserves to be called a sage. 引例 Citation: ◎子贡曰:“如有博施于民而能济众,何如?可谓仁乎?”子曰:“何事于仁,必也圣乎!尧舜其犹病诸。”(《论语·雍也》) (子贡问:“如果有为政者做到广泛地给予百姓好处并救济困苦的民众,怎么样呢?可以称得上仁德吗?”孔子说:“何止于仁德,那一定是圣德了!尧和舜都难以做到呢。”) Zigong asked: "If a ruler delivers extensive benefits to his people and relieves the suffering of the poor, how would you rate him? Do you consider him benevolent and virtuous?" Confucius said: "He is not only benevolent and virtuous. I would call him a sage. Even virtuous rulers such as Yao and Shun could not match him." (The Analects) |
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