字词 | 十年树木,百年树人 |
释义 | shínián-shùmù, bǎinián-shùrén 十年树木,百年树人It Takes Ten Years to Grow Trees and a Hundred Years to Nurture Talents. 比喻栽培树木使之成材需要很长时间,培育人才则需要更长时间。其中的道理有两层:第一,培养和选拔人才关乎国家、社会的长远发展;第二,人才的培养和成长应立足于长远发展,要有战略眼光和整体规划,需作持久的努力。 This alludes to the long time it takes for a tree to grow, yet even longer time it takes to nurture talents. The implications are twofold: first, identifying and bringing up talents has long-term significance for the development of a country and a society; second, nurturing talents should be an undertaking pursued with strategic vision, sustained efforts and according to a comprehensive plan. 引例 Citation: ◎一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。一树一获者,谷也;一树十获者,木也;一树百获者,人也。(《管子·权修》) (做一年的打算,没有什么比得上种植庄稼;做十年的打算,没有什么比得上栽种树木;做一生的打算,没有什么比得上培育人才。一经种植而有一次的收获,是庄稼;一经栽种而有十倍的收获,是树木;一经培育而有百倍的收获,是人才。) When planning for a year, there is nothing like growing crops; when planning for a decade, there is nothing like planting trees; when planning for a lifetime, there is nothing like nurturing talents. When you grow crops, you get one harvest; when you plant trees, you get a tenfold harvest; when you nurture talents, you get a hundredfold harvest. (Guanzi) |
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