

ㄙㄞˋ [sai4
N.(1)  A surname.
(2)  A contest: 比 ditto;
a ball game;
田徑 track and field meet.
V.t.(1)  To race (cars, horses): 跑,車,[sai4pao3], [sai4che1], [sai4ma3]↓;
狗 dog race.
(2)  To give offerings of thanks to gods by a festival of parades: 神,[sai4shen2], [sai4hui4]↓.
(3)  To rival s.o. or s.t.: 真(of copies of art work) be as good as or rival the original;
梨花 (beauty) rivals that of pear blossom or of girl named Pear Blossom;
to excel: 過 excel (in skill, etc.);
姊妹長的一個過一個 the sisters grow up, each prettier than the last.
Words1. [sai4che1], v.i., to race cars.
2. [sai4qiu2], v.i., to play ball game.
3. [sai4chuan2], v.i., to run boat race; 龍船 dragon boat race.
4. [sai4qUan2], n., boxing bout; v.i., to match fingers (drinking game).
5. [sai4qU3], v.i., (MC) to give thanks offering.
6. [sai4guo4], v.t., to excel.
7. [sai4hui4], n., (1) a religious festival with parades of idols, stilts, floats, etc.; n., (2) an exhibition of commercial goods, etc., an exposition.
8. 璐珞 [sai4lu4luo4], n., (translit.) celluloid.
9. [sai4ma3], n. & v.i., (hold) a horse race.
10. [sai4pao3], v.i., to hold a race.
11. [sai4she4], n., a village festival of offering of thanks to the gods, esp. after harvest.
12. [sai4shen2], n., see [sai4hui4] (1)↑.
13. [sai4yUan4], n., give offerings of thanks for wish granted.





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