释义 |
貽貽 | 675C00 41C.40-9 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad154.gif) | 畫數 12 | ㄧˊ [yi2] . [Related遺 22.83] | V.i. & t. | (1) To give as present. (2) To bequeath.
| Words | 1. 貽害 [yi2hai4], V.t., to cause trouble to future or future generations. 2. 貽禍 [yi2huo4], V.t., to bring about disaster, disadvantage or harm to future. 3. 貽厥 [yi2jUe2], n., (pedantic allu.) descendants (from 貽厥孫謀). 4. 貽累 [yi2lei3], V.t., to involve others in trouble. 5. 貽謀 [yi2mou2], n., policy or plan handed down to descendants, see [yi2jUe2]↑. 6. 貽笑 [yi2xiao4], V.t., to invite ridicule: 貽笑大方 be laughed at by experts. 7. 貽羞 [yi2xiu1], V.t., to bring shame to oneself. 8. 貽訓 [yi2xUn4], n., ancestral advice, instructions (=遺訓). 9. 貽送 [yi2song4], V.t., to give as gift (to person). 10. 貽贈 [yi2zeng4], V.t., ditto. 11. 貽誤 [yi2wu4], V.t., to spoil, cause disruption (of plan, traffic): 貽誤大局 disrupt the gen. plan. 12. 貽遺 [yi2yi2], V.t., to hand down (to posterity).