释义 |
貼貼 | 674C35 41C.40-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄊㄧㄝ [tie1] | V.i. | (1) To paste up or on: 貼郵票 stick stamps on a letter; 貼在一齊 paste together; 貼膏藥 stick on medicated ointment plaster; 貼在牆上 stick (poster) on wall. (2) To make up a deficiency: 貼錢 to lose in bargain; 倒貼 to sell at a loss; to support a gigolo (e.g., 倒貼小白臉); 津貼,幫貼 to subsidize, a subsidy; 貼匯水 discount on exchange, see 貼水 [tie1shui3]↓. (3) To come close, snuggle close: 貼近 come close; 貼著蓆子睡 sleep on a mat; 貼著臉 face rubbing against face; 貼耳 lend ear closely to listen; 他們兩個人貼著 they snuggle in each other's arms; 體貼 v.t., be considerate of (person).
| Adj. | Cozy, well settled: 妥貼 (affair) well arranged, settled; 熨貼 cozy, warmly attached to.
| Words | 1. 貼本 [tie1ben3], adj., below cost: 貼本生意 a losing business. 2. 貼補 [tie1bu3], v.t., subsidize: 貼補家用 help out with expenses. 3. 貼切 [tie1che4], adj., very much to the point (instructions). 4. 貼旦 [tie1dan4], n., (MC) formerly, secondary female actress. 5. 貼梗海棠 [tie1geng2hai3tang2], n., (bot.) a kind of wild pear, Pirus spectabilis (also called 海棠梨). 6. 貼近 [tie1jin4], adj., close (neighbor, servants). 7. 貼己 [tie1ji3], adj., intimate, close (talk). 8. 貼金 [tie1jin1], adj., gilt, gold-plated (ring, etc.): 別往臉上貼金 (fig.) don't blow your own trumpet. 9. 貼身(兒) [tie1shen1] ([tie1she1er0]), adj., personal(maid): 貼身丫頭 personal maid, (underclothes) worn next to body; (dress) fitting. 10. 貼現 [tie1xian4], v.i., discount on checks. 11. 貼書 [tie1shu1], n., formerly, copyist-clerk. 12. 貼水 [tie1shui3], n., discount due to inferior intrinsic value of coins.