释义 |
貪貪 | 1096B50 81.80 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄊㄢ [tan1] | V.t. | To covet, be greedy for: 貪財 money-mad; wish improperly or beyond bounds: 貪爵位 covet or hang on to government position; 貪吃,貪嘴 love food excessively; 貪飲,貪酒 love wine; 貪女色 crazy about women; 貪圖富貴 desire wealth and honor greatly; 貪得無厭 have insatiable greed; 貪天之功 have inordinate ambitions; 貪生怕死 be a coward, prefer life to dishonor; 貪小失大 go for the small things and miss things that are worthwhile; 貪睡 love to sleep; 貪樂 love pleasures; 貪多嚼不爛 bite more than one can chew--greedy.
| Adj. | Greedy, avaricious: 貪官污吏 corrupt officials; 你這個人真貪 you are indeed greedy, you want too much; 貪念 covetous thoughts: 起了貪念 have immoral thoughts (about women or money).
| Words | 1. 貪婪 [tan1lan2], adj., greedy for wealth or women. 2. 貪戀 [tan1lian4], v.t., love, cling to (women, government position, life of comfort). 3. 貪吝 [tan1lin4], adj., miserly, avaricious; n., avarice. 4. 貪心 [tan1xin1], n. & adj., greed, -y. 5. 貪饕 [tan1tao1], n., gluttony. 6. 貪頭 [tan1tou2], n., bait, inducement. 7. 貪圖(兒) [tan1tu0]([er0]), (1) v.t., desire excessively; (2) n., see [tan1tou2]↑. 8. 貪嘴 [tan1zui3], adj., greedy for food. 9. 貪污 [tan1wu1], adj., corrupt (official).