释义 |
負負 | 1353C00 92.80 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄈㄨˋ [fu4] . [Var. 50.80] | N. | (1) Burden: 如釋重負 as if relieved of a heavy burden. (2) Loss: 虧負 deficit, debt. (3) Defeat: 勝負 (未卜) victory or defeat (not yet decided).
| V.i. & t. | (1) To carry, to shoulder, to carry on back: 負(起)責任 to shoulder responsibility; 負擔,戴累, see [fu4dan1], [fu4dai4], [fu4lei4]↓; 負劍,芻 carry sword, firewood; 負米 carry bags of rice (to feed parents); 負笈求師 “carry suitcase” (go abroad) as student to seek teacher; 負荊請罪 carry rod to ask for punishment, i.e., to apologize; 負謗 bear the blame, see 負屈 [fu4qU1]↓. (2) To back against as defense: 如虎負嵎 like a tiger at bay; 負嵎依險 to fight from high position, back to cliffside. (3) To rely on: 負固死戰 fight hard, relying on strategic strength; 自負 rely on one's own ability, think too highly of oneself. (4) To owe, to bear debt: 負債 [fu4zhai4]↓; 負租 owe rent. (5) To show loss, deficit, therefore to owe debt of gratitude; 虧負 show deficit, fail to square one's debt; 辜負朋友 to fail a friend; 欠負債務 owe debts. (6) To run out on debt, to fail to meet obligations: 負約 fail in treaty obligations, break one's promise; 負命 fail in mission, act contrary to one's mission; 負德,忘恩負義 be ungrateful; 有負眾望,厚望 to disappoint those who had hopes or confidence in person. (7) V.i., be defeated in battle: 負敗而逃 be defeated and run away.
| Adj. | Negative, opp. of 正 positive: 負電,負號,負數 [fu4dian4], [fu4hao4], [fu4shu4]↓.
| Words | 1. 負氣 [fu4qi4], v.i., be in fit of resentment and self-reliance: 負氣不服 rely on oneself to fight again. 2. 負屈 [fu4qU1], v.i., suffer a wrong or injustice. 3. 負戴 [fu4dai4], v.i., carry on the head. 4. 負擔 [fu4dan1], n. & v.t., (bear) burden of responsibilities; 負擔太重 the responsibilities, expenses, are too great; 負擔不起 cannot bear the expenses or take the responsibility. 5. 負電 [fu4dian4], n., negative electricity. 6. 負負 [fu4fu4], n., sound of panting: 徒呼負負 only blow one's breath, admitting defeat. 7. 負號 [fu4hao4], n., the minus sign. 8. 負債 [fu4zhai4], v.i. & n., to owe debts; debit; (finance) liability: 負債累累 owe lots of debts. 9. 負疚(咎) [fu4jiu4], v.i., feel guilty, feel the blame. 10. 負勞 [fu4lao2], n., (zoo.) a species of dragonfly, also known as 蜻蛉. 11. 負累 [fu4lei4], n. & v.t., burdens of debt or expenses. 12. 負數 [fu4shu4], n., (algebra) negative quantity. 13. 負責 [fu4ze2], adj., responsible: 這個人不負責 the man is irresponsible.
負 | 1353C00 92.80 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄈㄨˋ [fu4] . [Var. 50.80] |