释义 |
豹豹 | 1326B00 91S.50-9 | 部居
| 畫數 10 | ㄅㄠˋ [bao4] | N. | Leopard, panther, species of mountain cat, esp. 金錢豹 with ring-like spots; 豹死留皮 phr., leopard's skin survives the body (fig. of fame); 豹頭環眼 phr., round eyes and well-formed forehead.
| Words | 1. 豹變 [bao4bian4], n., rise to wealth from poverty. 2. 豹略 [bao4lUe4], n., strategic moves or plans. 3. 豹隱 [bao4yin3], v.i., live in retirement, obscurity, oft. voluntarily.