释义 |
豔豔 | 337B20 21S.30-1 | 部居
| 畫數 28 | ㄧㄢˋ [yan4] . [Pop.艷] | V.t. | To admire greatly: 豔羨 [yan4xian4]↓.
| Adj. | (1) Beauteous, resplendent, bright, dazzlingly beautiful: 豔麗 [yan4li4]↓; 美豔,嬌豔 beautiful, enticing, attractive, gorgeous; 鮮豔 fresh and beautiful, bright (colors, flowers). (2) Having to do with love: 豔史 romantic records of personalities; 豔詩,豔詞 love poetry; 豔歌 love song.
| Words | 1. 豔麗 [yan4li4], adj., resplendent, gorgeous. 2. 豔射 [yan4she4], adj., dazzling. 3. 豔羨 [yan4xian4], v.t., to admire heartily. 4. 豔陽 [yan4yang2], n., a bright sun or day. 5. 豔遇 [yan4yU4], n., encounter with a beautiful woman.