释义 |
讀讀 | 864A25 60A.80-1 | 部居
| 畫數 22 | ㄉㄨˊ [du2] (*ㄉㄡˋ [dou4] ). | N. | (*[dou4]) Pause in middle of sentence, caesura: 句讀 punctuation marking sentence (句) by a period, and pause (讀) by “、”, corresponding usu., but not always, to comma; text so punctuated.
| V.t. | (1) To read (newspapers, books, letters): 默讀 silent reading; 朗讀 read aloud; 讀經 scripture reading. (2) To pronounce: 讀法 way of pronouncing; 讀音 [du2yin1]. (3) To go to school: 讀大學,夜校 study at university, night school; 寄讀 be boarding student; 走讀 attend school living at home; 讀不起書 cannot afford to go to school.
| Words | 1. 讀本 [du2ben3], n., reader, school text. 2. 讀者 [du2zhe3], n., reader (of book, article). 3. 讀書 [du2shu1], v.i., read (a book): 讀這本書 read this book; to have ability to read, be literate; 讀過書沒有can one read? 讀書人 a scholar, or a literate person. 4. 讀物 [du2wu4], n., reading material. 5. 讀音 [du2yin1], n., pronunciation.