释义 |
證證 | 847C15 60A.30-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄓㄥˋ [zheng4] . [Common var.証] | N. | (1) Evidence, proof: 憑證 proof (of theft, indebtedness, etc.); 物證 material evidence, proof(s); 明證 clear proof or evidence. (2) Witness: 干證,見證,人證 witness (of crime, etc.). (3) A certificate: 出入證 permit for admission; 身分證 I.D. card, card of identity.
| V.t. | To prove, verify: 考證 scholarly research (to verify authorship, age, different editions, etc.); 證明 [zheng4ming2]↓.
| Words | 1. 證券 [zheng4qUan4], n., stocks and bonds, stock certificate, securities: 證券交易所 stock exchange; 有價證券 negotiable instrument. 2. 證果 [zheng4guo3], n., (Budd.) consummation of religious enlightenment or cultivation. 3. 證候 [zheng4hou4] n., disease symptoms (u. f., 症候) 4. 證件 [zheng4jian4]1, n., credentials, certificates. 5. 證見 [zheng4jian4]2, n., evidence. 6. 證據 [zheng4jU4], n., proof(s), evidence, (receipt, etc.): 證據調查 investigation of evidence. 7. 證明 [zheng4ming2], v.t., to prove, establish truth of. 8. 證人 [zheng4ren2], n., personal witness; 證人臺 witness box. 9. 證書 [zheng4shu1], n., certificate, diploma, credentials. 10. 證實 [zheng4shi2], v.t., to verify. 11. 證物 [zheng4wu4], n., exhibits presented at court as evidence. 12. 證言 [zheng4yan2], testimony of witness.