释义 |
調調 | 853C35 60A.42-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄊㄧㄠˊ [tiao2] (*ㄉㄧㄠˋ [diao4] ). | N. | (*[diao4]) A melody, tune: 曲調a song; 聲調 tone of voice; 腔調 accent of speech; 調子,調兒 a song, melody; 小調 a short song, a short Yuarn play. (2) (*[diao4]) 才調 ability, talent.
| V.t. | (1) To blend, harmonize (flavors, opinions): 琴瑟不調 the stringed instruments clash, (fig.) marital troubles; 調和,調劑,調製 [tiao2he2], [tiao2ji4], [tiao2zhi4]2↓; to readjust: 調整 [tiao2zheng3]↓. (2) To mediate: 調停,調解 [tiao2ting2], [tiao2jie3]↓; 調人 [tiao2ren2]↓. (3) To tease, make fun of: 調戲,調情,調笑 [tiao2xi4], [tiao2qing2], [tiao2xiao4]↓. (4) To recuperate: 調養,調理 [tiao2yang3], [tiao2li3]↓. (5) (*[diao4]) To transfer (troops, officials): 調兵 transfer troops; 徵調 call up, enlist soldiers; appoint officials to new post; 調補,調充,調升,調用 [tiao2bu3], [tiao2chong1], [tiao2sheng1], [tiao2yong4]↓. (6) (*[diao4]) To change direction, to interchange: 調過來 change to this direction; 調換,調一調 to interchange; 調頭 turn one's head; 調虎離山 to lure tiger out of mountain. (7) (*[diao4]) To investigate: 調查 [diao4cha2]↓.
| Words | 1. 調撥 *[diao4bo1], v.t., to sow dissension, to alienate. 2. 調補 *[diao4bu3], v.t., appoint to (post). 3. 調查 *[diao4cha2], v.t., to investigate; 調查表 a chart for reference. 4. 調遣 *[diao4qian3], v.t., to send to different places. 5. 調情 [tiao2qing2], v.i., to court (a lady), to flirt with. 6. 調充 *[diao4chong1], v.t., see [tiao2bu3]↑. 7. 調調兒 *[diao4diao0er0], n., (1) air of importance; (2) trickery, devious developments. 8. 調度 *[diao4du4], v.t., to regulate; reorganize. 9. 調動 *[diao4dong4], v.t., to transfer (troops, officials). 10. 調羹 [tiao2geng1], n., a spoon. 11. 調和 [tiao2he2], v.t., (1) to blend (flavors); (2) to mediate; (3) to readjust. 12. 調貨 [tiao2huo0], n., food ingredients, like rice, meat, vegetable. 13. 調整 [tiao2zheng3], v.t., to readjust, reorganize. 14. 調解 [tiao2jie3], v.t. & n., to mediate, -tion; reconcile, -ciliation. 15. 調節 [tiao2jie2], v.t., (1) to tune up musical instrument; (2) to make readjustments, to set right proportions. 16. 調劑 [tiao2ji4], v.t., (1) make up in proportions as a medical prescription; to set right proportions; (2) to make adjustments. 17. 調治 [tiao2zhi4]1, v.t., to receive medical treatment. 18. 調製 [tiao2zhi4]2 (*[diao4zhi4]), v.t., manufacture, esp. by a formula (as sauce, flavoring). 19. 調侃 [tiao2kan3], v.t., to ridicule (person). 20. 調理 [tiao2li3] ([tiao2li0]), v.t., (1) to recuperate; (2) to train up, to discipline. 21. 調弄 [tiao2long4], v.t., (1) to make fun of; (2) to play (musical instrument). 22. 調門(兒) *[diao4men2] ([diao4merer0]), n., (Chin. opera) a singer's voice with regard to pitch. 23. 調皮 *[diao4pi2] ([tiao2pi2]), adj., (1) (of child) naughty (also called 調猴兒 a “monkey”); (2) tricky. 24. 調任 *[diao4ren4], v.t., transfer (s.o.) to new post. 25. 調人 [tiao2ren2], n., mediator. 26. 調攝 [tiao2she4], v.i., see [tiao2yang3]↓. 27. 調升 *[diao4sheng1], v.t., be promoted. 28. 調笑 [tiao2xiao4], v.t., to ridicule, tease. 29. 調協 [tiao2xie2], v.t. & adj., harmonious; to mediate (disputes). 30. 調戲 [tiao2xi4], v.t., to flirt with (girl). 31. 調息 [tiao2xi2], v.i., sit down for a while, regain breath. 32. 調停 [tiao2ting2], v.t., to settle dispute amicably. 33. 調歪 *[diao4wai1], v.i., purposely make difficulties. 34. 調味 [tiao2wei4], v.i., to blend flavors; 調味品 seasoning. 35. 調養 [tiao2yang3] ([tiao2yang0]), v.i., to recuperate. 36. 調驗 *[diao4yan4], v.t., to subject to examination, to investigate. 37. 調用 *[diao4yong4], v.t., to transfer (official) to another post. 38. 調勻 [tiao2yUn2], v.t., to stir even.