释义 |
誘誘 | 856B45 60A.50-9 | 部居
| 畫數 14 | ㄧㄡˋ [you4] | V.i. & t. | (1) To guide gently into course of action: 誘導,誘掖 [you4dao3], [you4yi4]↓. (2) To persuade, induce: 勸誘 to persuade (to good path); 誘供 induce to talk at court. (3) To seduce, to cheat: 誘姦,誘拐,誘騙 [you4jian1], [you4guai3], [you4pian4]↓.
| Words | 1. 誘導 [you4dao3], (1) v.t., to guide and instruct; (2) v.t., & n., (electricity) induce, induction: 誘導反應 induced reaction. 2. 誘拐 [you4guai3], v.t., kidnap (young childen) for sale; seduce (girls, women) in white slave traffic. 3. 誘惑 [you4huo4], v.t., to tempt, lead astray (youth), to seduce. 4. 誘姦 [you4jian1], v.t., seduce and rape. 5. 誘騙 [you4pian4], v.t., to cheat, deceive by false promises. 6. 誘掖 [you4yi4], v.t., to help: 誘掖後進 to help and encourage the younger generation. 7. 誘引 [you4yin3], v.t., to attract (younger generation) toward good or evil.