释义 |
誓誓 | 26C50 10.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄕˋ [shi4] | N. | An oath, a pledge: 誓願,誓言,誓約 [shi4yUan4], [shi4yan2], [shi4yUe1]↓; 宣誓 take oath in public; 立誓,起誓,發誓 take an oath; 背誓,違誓 break one's pledge.
| V.i. & t. | To swear: 誓不兩立 swear that one of the two must be destroyed; 誓不甘休 swear to fight to the finish; 誓死不屈 swear to die rather than submit; 誓必 swear to.
| Words | 1. 誓詞 [shi4ci2], n., text of oath. 2. 誓言 [shi4yan2], n., a pledge. 3. 誓願 [shi4yUan4], v.i., to swear before God; n., a pledge. 4. 誓約 [shi4yUe1], v.i. & n., (to make) a pledge (of alliance, marriage, etc.).