释义 |
話話 | 849C00 60A.40-9 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄏㄨㄚˋ [hua4] | N. | (1) Speech, talk, saying: 白話 vernacular; 閒話 gossip; 談話 to talk, (make) conversation; 問話 a question; 會話 conversation; 說你壞話 said things against you; 別聽他的話 don't listen to him; 土話 local patois; 官話 mandarin language, also bureaucratic gibberish; 俗話 colloquial speech, also popular saying: 笑話 a joke; 瞎話 rubbish; 謊話 a lie; 廢話 nonsense, rubbish; 黑話 thieves' argot; 話中有刺 hidden barbs in his words; 話裡有話 s.t. hinted at, s.t. one means but never says; 話裡無話 a talk leading to other topics or to unintentional disclosure. (2) A statement, word, message: 這話怎麼講 how do you explain this statement? 這是什麼話 what kind of a statement is this? 那裡的話 no such thing, I never said it, also a formula for reply to “thank you”; 留話 leave word or message; 留個話兒 leave a word; 傳話,傳個話 bring a message, speak to person for another. (3) A story, a discussion: 話分兩頭 to tell story from two angles; 不在話下 that is not under discussion for the present; 話說 the story says (oft. in beginning of story); 舊話重提 to go over the matter discussed before; 說來話長 it is a long story. (4) A supposition: 不然的話 if not; 要是他不肯的話 if he does not consent.
| V.i. | (LL & MC) to reminisce, narrate: 話別,話別離 to say farewell or to talk of the time during absence; 話當初,話當年,話舊 talk of old times; 話天寶 talk about the years of 天寶 reign.
| Words | 1. 話靶 [hua4ba3], n., target, topic of gossip. 2. 話把兒 [hua4ba4er0], n., see [hua4bing4]↓. 3. 話本 [hua4ben3], n., chapbook, storyteller's copy of stories told at teahouses, esp. in Shung Dyn.: 宋人話本. 4. 話柄 [hua4bing4], n., target or material for gossip. 5. 話碴兒 [hua4cha2er0], n., meaning of what one has in mind or not quite says. 6. 話劇 [hua4jU4], n., a play in modern vernacular. 7. 話癆 [hua4lao2], n., (sarcas.) a chatterbox. 8. 話料兒 [hua4liao4er0], n., material for gossip. 9. 話匣子 [hua4xia2zi0], n., (1) gramophone; 話匣子片兒 gramophone record (=唱片); (2) a chatterbox: 打開話匣子 start to chatter along. 10. 話頭兒 [hua4tou2er0], n., a thing to talk about: 沒什麼話頭兒 nothing to talk about. 11. 話筒 [hua4tong3], n., microphone, telephone transmitter. 12. 話音兒 [hua4ye1er0], n., tone of one's voice: 你聽他話音兒,準是不願意去 from his tone of voice, you know he is reluctant to go.