释义 |
註註 | 844B45 60A.11-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄓㄨˋ [zhu4] . [Var. of注 63A.11] | N. | Exegesis: (var. 注) 註解,註疏 [zhu4jie3], [zhu4shu1]↓; 註兒 the exegetical part, dist. main text; 加註add notes and comments; 附註 footnote, reference note.
| V.t. | (1) To give exegesis, see N.↑. (2) To register, clarify: 註冊,註銷,註明 [zhu4ce4], [zhu4xiao1], [zhu4ming2]↓.
| Words | 1. 註定 [zhu4ding4], v.t., destine(d): 生前註定 predestined in previous incarnation; 命裡註定 destined by fate (also wr. 注). 2. 註解 [zhu4jie3], explanation and pronunciation of text (also 注). 3. 註明 [zhu4ming2], v.i., to add note of explanation. 4. 註銷 [zhu4xiao1], v.i., to register loss (of check), to invalidate: 5. 註疏 [zhu4shu1], n., exegesis and commentary (疏 commentary on earlier commentary, also 注). 6. 註失 [zhu4shi1], v.i., to register loss (of check, etc.) 7. 註冊 [zhu4ce4], v.t., to register (for enrollment, etc.): 註冊商標 registered trademark.