释义 |
設設 | 866B35 60A.82-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄕㄜˋ [she4] | v.t. | (1) To set up (school, trap, dinner, defense, plan, etc.): 設立,設置 [she4li4], [she4zhi4]↓;
| V.t. | 設局,設防,設計 [she4jU2], [she4fang2], [she4ji4]↓; 設座 give dinner at; 設館 give private tutoring. (2) Arrange for occasion: 陳設 arrange, set up (exhibit); 擺設 lay out (table 酒席); 席設 dinner to be given at (place). (3) Plan, provide: 設備,設施 [she4bei4], [she4shi1]↓; 設法 [she4fa3]↓.
| Conj. | If: 設使,設若,設如,設或 [she4shi3], [she4ruo4], [she4ru2], [she4huo4]↓; 設有不幸 if s.t. should happen.
| Words | 1. 設擺 [she4bai0], v.t., lay out for occasion (altar, dinner, etc.). 2. 設備 [she4bei4] ([shen1bei0]), (1) n., provisions, facilities, equipment, etc.: 設備很好 with good equipment or facilities; (2) v.t., to provide facilities. 3. 設奠 [she4dian4], v.i., to set up libation ceremony. 4. 設定 [she4ding4], v.t., to define (certain rights), to set up (laws and regulations). 5. 設法 [she4fa3], v.i., try to, think of ways to (save s.o. in distress, provide money, escape, etc.). 6. 設防 [she4fang2], v.i., set up patrol or defense: 不設防城市 (international law) an open city. 7. 設伏 [she4fu2], v.i., to lay ambush. 8. 設或 [she4huo4], conj., if. 9. 設弧 [she4hu2], phr., (AC) hang a bow on left door as sign of birth of a boy. 10. 設帳 [she4zhang4], v.i., (AC, allu.) to set up place for teaching. 11. 設教 [she4jiao4], v.i., (1) to found a religion, establish a church; (2) to set up as teacher (at a place). 12. 設計 [she4ji4], v.i., (1) to contrive (to destroy s.o., etc.); v.i., (2) draw up blueprint for building, plan for project, sketch or composition in painting. 13. 設 [she4jing3], v.i., lay a trap. 14. 設置 [she4zhi4], V.i. & n., arrange, -ment, facilities, equipment. 15. 設局 [she4jU2], v.i., ditto: 設騙局 lay a plan for swindle. 16. 設立 [she4li4], v.t., (1) to establish (school, free dispensary, temporary headquarters; etc.); (2) to ordain (priest, king). 17. 設論 [she4lun4], n., (AC) a literary dialogue form. 18. 設若 [she4ruo4], conj., if. 19. 設如 [she4ru2], conj., if. 20. 設色 [she4se4], v.i., to apply colors (to painting). 21. 設想 [she4xiang3], v.i., to conjecture; to consider for (s.o.). 22. 設施 [she4shi1], v.i. & n., arrange, -ments; management (of hospital); provisions, facilities (for flood control, against epidemics, etc.). 23. 設使 [she4shi3], conj., if. 24. 設辭 [she4ci2], (1) v.i., find some excuses (for delay, etc.); (2) n., a pretext.