释义 |
訪訪 | 856A50 60A.50-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄈㄤˇ [fang3] | N. & v.i. & t. | (1) Personal call, visit, interview: 訪親,友 visit with relatives, friends; 拜訪 pay visit, pay respects to; 探訪,相訪,過訪 drop in for a visit. (2) Visit to find out: 訪查 find out by visiting on the location; 探訪消息 find out news; 訪問 interview (person), have an interview with; 訪古 visit archaeological sites.
| Words | 1. 訪問 [fang3wen4], v.t. & n., interview; to visit foreign country: 訪問法國 visit France (euphem. for travelling of official). 2. 訪員 [fang3yUan2], n., newspaper reporter; inspector appointed to look over place.