释义 |
訣訣 | 865A45 60A.81-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄐㄩㄝˊ [jUe2] | N. | A formula: 訣竅 [jUe2qiao4]↓; 口訣 a magic formula, a set of practical methods put in words for easy memory; 妙訣 a clever expedient; 秘訣 a secret formula; 訣要 [jUe2yao4]↓.
| V.t. | Bid farewell to, take leave of: 訣別 [jUe2bie2]↓; 永訣 to part (with s.o.) for ever.
| 訣別 | [jUe2bie2],v.i., say farewell to (s.o.).
| 訣竅 | [jUe2qiao4],n., the secret (of doing s.t.).
| 訣要 | [jUe2yao4],n., ditto.