释义 |
角角 | 1339A15 92.41 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad148.gif) | 畫數 7 | ㄐㄧㄠˇ [jiao3] (sp. pr.); *ㄐㄩㄝˊ [jUe2] (re. pr.). | N. adjunct. | 一角公文 an official document.
| N. | (1) Horns of animals: 牛角,羊角,鹿角,犀角 ox, sheep, deer, rhinoceros horns; 犄角之勢 (of troops) so deployed as to be able to come readily to one another's assistance. (2) A corner: 眼角,嘴角 the corners of the eye, mouth; 躲在牆角 hidden in a wall corner; 坐在屋角 sit in a corner of the room; 海角 a promontory, headland, cape: 海角天涯 all corners of the earth; 好望角 Cape of Good Hope; 角落 [jiao3luo4]↓;
角 (turn) the corner; 額角 the temples. (3) An angle: 三角 a triangle, trigonometry; 三角戀愛 the eternal (love) triangle; 多角形 a polygon, -al; 六角形 hexagon; 八角形 octagon; 對頂角 vertically opposite angles; 平角,直角,銳角,鈍角 straight, right, acute, obtuse angle; 角度 [jiao3du4]↓. (4) Any point of the compass: 東南角 the southeast; 西北角 the northwest; 爆炸聲是從那一角來的 where has the explosion come from? (5) The third of the five notes (宮,商,角,徵,羽) of the anc. Chin. musical scale. (6) A coin: 一角錢 a dime; (銀)角子 a dime; 銅(角)子 a copper. (7) A dramatic role: 主角 the leading role, actor or actress; 男角,女角 an actor, actress; 丑角 a clown; 配角 a supporting actor or actress. (8) A wind instrument: 號角 a bugle; 畫角 an anc. military bugle. (9) Tufts of hair left on center of child's head: 總角之交 childhood friends. (10) An anc. drinking vessel, an anc. measure of capacity.
| V.i. | Vie in feats of physical strength: 角力 [jiao3li4], 角觝 [jiao3di3]↓.
| Words | 1. 角貝 [jiao3bei4], n., (zoo.) the toothed shell, dentalium octoangulatum. 2. 角觝 *[jUe2di3], n., wrestling. 3. 角度 [jiao3du4], n., (1) (math.) an angle; (2) point of view: 從另一角度看 seen from a different angle. 4. 角巾 *[jUe2jin1], n., kerchief worn by anc. hermits. 5. 角逐 *[jUe2zhu2], v.t., contend for, compete with for mastery. 6. 角兒 [jiao3er0], n., (1) a corner, a point of the compass; (2) (*[jUe2er0]) a dramatic actor. 7. 角力 *[jUe2li4], v.i., engage in a physical contest, wrestle. 8. 角樓 [jiao3lou2], n., a watchtower on a city wall. 9. 角落 [jUe2luo4], n., corners of a room: 每個角落 every nook and cranny. 10. 角馬 [jUe2ma3], n., (1) a gnu, (African antelope); (2) an abnormality, a monstrosity. 11. 角門 [jiao3men2], n., a side gate. 12. 角膜 [jiao3mo2], n., (physiol) the cornea of the eye; 角膜炎 (med.) keratitis. 13. 角色 *[jUe2se4], n., (1) a dramatic actor, a role in casting; (2) an outstanding actor or person in any walk of life. 14. 角黍 *[jUe2shu3], n., rice dumplings shaped like a pointed cylinder. 15. 角鷹 *[jUe2yin1], n., (zoo.) the crested eagle.